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The Classical Guitarist's Guide to Fingernails

guitar technique Feb 14, 2023


Fingernails are an important part of your hands as a classical and nylon string guitarist. Not only do they help you to grip the guitar strings and provide volume and tone, but they also serve as a protective barrier between your skin and the strings. The fingernails are an integral part of the guitar's sound, so it's important for all guitarists to care for their fingernails in order to prevent them from breaking or splitting prematurely. In this article we'll discuss several ways you can keep your nails healthy:

What's the best way to care for my fingernails?

You should keep your fingernails short and smooth. Avoid biting them, as this can damage the cuticle and cause it to pull away from the nail bed. If you have rough or thick nails, try using a nail file to smooth them down.

Also important is keeping your hands moisturized - you may want to use hand lotion after playing for a while, especially if your digits are feeling dry or cracked from playing so much! Don't forget about those pesky cuticles either: they can become ingrown if left alone for too long (or start getting picked at by accident when you're not paying attention).

Should I cut or file my nails?

It's the nails of the right hand that we care about the most because that's what is actually striking the string. With that in mind, feel free to cut your left hand (fretting hand) nails with a nail clipper. However, when it comes to the right hand, NEVER cut them! You should always file your right hand nails to ensure they don't have any jagged edges.  If your nails aren't smooth, they can catch on the strings which will not only sound bad but can contribute to potential tearing of the nails. The best way to shorten and maintain your nails is with a glass file; they're inexpensive and easy enough to use and best of all they don't wear out! I've have the same 3 fine glass nail files for years and they're as effective as when I first used them. Other nail files such as emory boards and metal files can be too course and wear out over time.

Good fingernail health is important for classical guitarists.

In order to play the classical guitar well, it is important that your fingernails be healthy and strong. The right fingernail care can prevent injury, help you play better, and ensure that you have a long career as a guitarist. If you take care of them properly, you'll not only sound better but you'll have a more rewarding experience every time you play!





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